Ejiao Pellets

Specification:50g/bag Functions and Indications: Replenish blood and nourish yin, moisturize dryness and stop bleeding. Used for curing blood-deficiency syndrome manifested as sallow complexion, palpitation, myasthenia, distraction, sleeplessness, vacuity wind stirring internally, dryness of lung, coughing, hemoptysis, haematemesis, hematuria, having blood in the stool, uterine bleeding and threatened abortion. Usage and dosage:3-9g.

Ejiao Pellets

Specification:50g/bag Functions and Indications: Replenish blood and nourish yin, moisturize dryness and stop bleeding. Used for curing blood-deficiency syndrome manifested as sallow complexion, palpitation, myasthenia, distraction, sleeplessness, vacuity wind stirring internally, dryness of lung, coughing, hemoptysis, haematemesis, hematuria, having blood in the stool, uterine bleeding and threatened abortion. Usage and dosage:3-9g.

Ejiao Pellets Instructions

Product Name: Ejiao Pellets


Functions and Indications: Replenish blood and nourish yin, moisturize dryness and stop bleeding. Used for curing blood-deficiency syndrome manifested as sallow complexion, palpitation, myasthenia, distraction, sleeplessness, vacuity wind stirring internally, dryness of lung, coughing, hemoptysis, haematemesis, hematuria, having blood in the stool, uterine bleeding and threatened abortion.

Usage and dosage:3-9g.

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